Council Board members and contact information. Additional information on program leaders as well. Meeting Minutes can be found here from the current year.
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Rec & Parks Council
Did you know that all of our memembers and coaches are volunteers? Are you interested in becoming a volunteer for Rec & Parks? Here is your chance!
The goal of Catonsville Girls Softball is to provide an environment where girls can have fun, make new friends, and learn about teamwork, sportsmanship and the great game of softball. It is no accident that FUN is listed first here. It is our belief that it is much easier to make friends and learn when we are having fun.
With that in mind, we strive for friendly and fast-paced softball games at every level. By “friendly” we do not mean that the girls don’t play hard. The girls play hard. The focus, however, is not on wins and losses. The focus is, instead, on teamwork and sportsmanship and the athletic and personal growth of our players.
It is our mission to grow Catonsville Girls Softball one player at a time. We’d be more than happy to speak with you about our program.
Leagues Offered:
Clinic 6-8 Instructional program emphasizing basics of infield, outfield, base running, hitting and throwing. Games played in second half of season.
10U, 12U & 17U Leagues Recreation program designed for all levels of expertise to learn the game, improve their skills and have fun. Post-season tournament play available.
Please for more information.
Youth Softball (#730)
Contact: Jen Menkhaus: